Soz it looks like Ima have a busy week this week. I was looking forward to seeing the sunshine states... Maybe even the Grand Canyon.......
But then it hit me a few days ago........ Crap! For me to enjoy this sun-filled vacation that I am about to embark on ..... I have to first endure a ...... Gulp........ Wedding! I practically forgot about that minor detail (despite the fact that is supposed to be the main reason for traveling to Cali this time anyways) Bleh! Bleh because its not my own of course! hehe... No no not being bitter at all....Lets just leave it at the fact this is not a cousin I am close to. Then there are all the childhood thoughts on marriage that have fizzled away that I am usually able to tune out by now anyhow....
BUT then there is also the dreaded......
"Ok lets have all the single women gather on the dance floor to catch the bouquet!" - Lately at the weddings I just stay put during this event and finish off my dessert. Or if I am up dancing I find my seat quickly. Who knows what I will do this time, and really.... does it reeeeaaalllly mean that if you catch the bouquet you will be the next to marry? Does it? Or is it some sick joke someone made up just to see a bunch of grown women in their dresses and heels and gowns wrestle each other like a bunch of crazed desperate lunatics in hopes to be the next to marry? Is it really worth the eye gouging, hair pulling, ankle spraining, face scratching, elbow ribbing, shin kicking effort?
Or hey now.... is it bad luck
NOT to join in on this event? I dunno. I never thought of that before.
Well none the less I hope its an open bar - although there will be family around. I'm tiny so I'm pretty much a cheap drunk hehe. At my age, Im sure they would understand ;P