Saturday, April 21, 2007

Lovely. Just effin Lovely.

Well despite my introspective analyzing as to Why oh Why am I single (trying not to put the blame elsewhere) and my simple simple question as to where are all the good men.....

I bring you this.......
Its just a thought, but somehow I feel like I am swimming upstream.



Blogger Anny said...

yea i saw that too! do i smell a move to LA???

1:22 PM  
Blogger ~Moi~ said...

Well, as I mentioned to one emailer - I really should work on myself than just moving to where the ratio is better. He agreed: "I think there's no point in chasing demographics... it's just a matter of effort and luck."

But its nice to know where they are if ever I become that desperate - though I would never admit it - I would just say I prefer the warmer weather ;)

8:56 PM  

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