Tuesday, February 14, 2006



Dum de do de dum........

*Looks around*

Sees YOU.

Ya. YOU.


What are you looking at?

Are you expecting to see something here today??

I was contemplating whether to post today. You know, not even acknowleding it... waiting for it to quietly pass. Since I am off work this week I dont have to be bombarded by the many 'innocent, yet stabbing' questions - So what are you doing today? Are you married? Do you have a bf? Any planns for tonight? - Oh Shush you Nosey Patients! hehe

I was thinking that it is a cheesy day. Why celebrate love on one day of the year? Marketing and $$$ is what I say. NO real purpose to it really. If you are in love with someone, you should show it everyday anyhow. And if you do get something special today and get iggyed my your loved one the rest of the year - how sincere is that?! Some PPl are cohersed to have to show love on this day. And really... not everyone has a significant other to share with on this day.... there are alot of us singledoms out there. Should we singetons hide and retreat today?? It does make others feel left out. Silly silly exclusive day. I mean, what if there was a Universal-skinny-ppl day or National-middle-income ppl day- - wouldnt some ppl find that offensive too?

Oh well I dont really hate today - even being single and all, fine- its a day to show love and there are alot of ppl I do love out there anyhow - not neccessarily a significant other. It shouldnt be made to make ppl feel left out. But it does. Maybe it should be marketed as a day to show-love-to-everyone-day (no no I dont mean hedonistic-orgy fest day). I remember getting valentines from my mother and my friends (as kids) and even my patients! It really cheers ppl up - maybe it should be another Christmas is what I say!
Well it could also be worse, at least they dont have a national "hate" day or something - imagine that - all the stores filled with black demonic like cards saying "Hope you fry in hell you bastard!" or "I'm boiling your rabbit, watch your back" or "hate you, go away, you smell, boss!"- stuff to express something bad.

So to all those and their significant others - well keep loving etc etc blah blah blah - excuse my bitterness hehe.
And to those fellow singledoms - Hope you do have Happy Valentines day!!!!
(ya know, not that I am being exclusive or anything ;) )

Oh and btw, I found this interesting article from VirginiaBelle

And some quote I got today from a forwarded email:

"Do you love me because I am beautiful, or am I beautiful because you love me?" (Cinderella)



Blogger M+ said...

You ar, indeed, a woman after my own heart. This post covers pretty much everything I've ever said about Valentine's Day.

9:34 PM  

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