Monday, February 13, 2006

Just say NO! and G'day Dr. Phil

Ever meet those people who have trouble saying NO?
I'm sure you have.
We have probably been there too, ourselves at one tiny point, but some ppl are worse at this!
However, today I am just FED UP with one of them, FED UP I say!
Enough of this wishy-washy, maybe, hopefully, I'll call you later, possibly, we'll see, crappatolla!

This week is my week off. No vacations, lotta things on my mind and things I need to arrange. Among other things, I am looking for a new space to rent for my clinic. The building is being sold and all of us "tenants" have to move out.

Cold calling Dr's is pretty humbling. Anyhow, a couple weeks ago I met this supposively really WONDERFUL elderly secretary of the Dr I want to rent space from. She was soooo welcoming and made this intimidating task less scary. She was like one of those sweet older lady neighbor's that bakes you cookies every once in a while and babysitts the kids. We talked for a while and she actually was interested in what I do. "Oh we really need ppl like you, there is such a need and what you do is very important, there are so many elderly ppl around that need your help" Then she went on a little more than what anyone would expect "Oh I will definitely give you a call, I will mention it to the Dr, but we definitely could use you here and we have sooooo much room compared to anyone else in this building and it is not always being used, plus we have 2 rooms as well, that's just soooooo great and wonderful that you stopped by, I will definitely call you by this Wednesday, thank you sooo much. Now, don't you go making ANY decisions until I call you back ok? Don't you be going to any other place yet ok? I will definitely call you by Wednesday to let you know either way." etc etc.....Needless to say I walked away SOOOOOO optimistic!
2 weeks later, 3 Phone calls from me, and 3 "I'll have to get back to you on that; I cant give you a definite decision; I haven't gotten around to it yet, we are not sure about the times available" - I have just about given up! Heck, last time she left a message she even said - "you don't have to call us back again, I may call you tomorrow maybe to let you know, ok talk to you later"
WTF lady?!
I think I can take a NO better than being lead on to believe there is any hope in renting from that DR.! It boggled my mind at first. I was thinking - "humm but why would she show soooooo much interest to begin with, more than anyone else I went to? The answer seems like a no but she didn't say, surely she would let me know either way like she said."
I was confused.
Then it hit me.
She is one of THOSE PPL. The ones that - for some gawd forsaken reason - cannot say NO!
She must be one of the worst ones I met, cause she goes out of her way to make the answer seem like a YES - that is how bad she is. Her No's seem like an overly exclamatory YES!!! and a little of a maybe.
Serious, I think this must be a sickness.
Either way, its not good. NOT GOOD! Be up-front ppl!
Don't say maybe when YOU KNOW the answer is a NO.
Believe me - the repercussions are far worse when you lead someone on to believe its a yes and they realize that you knew all along that the answer was a NO.

--- so what was I thinking about all this? How does it pertain to singledom? Let me summarize with words that my friend's Older brother once said to us when we were in HS and it stayed with me "The worst thing you can do is to lead a guy on." I'm sure this goes the same both ways though. I guess some ppl do that for an ego boost, ya know, too keep many admirers attached to them. But some do it simply cause they have no balls to do so. They don't wanta look like the 'bad' guy or 'hurt' anyone - when really - all they are doing is prolonging the agony and making that final cut off worse. WORSE! They think that final cut is going to just fade away but it is actually worse. And its also not fair to the other person that is being lead on, because their time is wasted, instead of having them deal with the answer NO and moving on and making other plans.
ok so I just had to let that out.

In other news, I actually made it home today -( since I am not working this week ) to catch the Dr. Phil show. Was interesting. Normally I don't watch much TV (ahem, shhhhush about my addiction to this :P), let alone Dr. Phil. But today the topic was about Love Smart Island. He analyzes the interactions of singles plonked on an island - both men and women to see what they are doing wrong in their singledom and quest to find the one. Well 'Love smart' is some book that he wrote about relationships and I figured that he was just jumping on the bandwagon with all the rest of those hopeful-useless books out there.... but after seeing this episode - I realized how much I can relate to it. So I may be watching it tomorrow ........... and that is a 'maybe' - meaning there is a good possibility if I am at home that time tomorrow (unless I am out for wings again), and it doesn't mean a 'maybe' as in NO way in hell am I ever watching that.
At least I say it as it is. Sheesh!

Ladies take this quiz. Too funny I got 10 / 10 - not boasting or anything haha.


Blogger joanne said...

I got 7 out of 10 on that quiz. Very interesting concept. I am looking at the excerpt from the book now too.

10:37 PM  
Blogger teahouse said...

I got 9/10. I missed the one about men being like their fathers...

Dr. Phil annoys me, yet I can't tear my eyes away from his show when it's on!

3:24 AM  
Blogger M+ said...

Was there a quiz for guys to take?
As for being lead on, I think it's far worse to be lead on than to be left hanging in a relationship that's dying. Eventually you might find your way to saying "This just isn't going anywhere" and end it when the other person seems incapable. But if someone is leading you on, with no intention of ever taking the relationship further, it feels too much like being used to stroke their ego.

9:48 PM  
Blogger ~Moi~ said...

Well guys can do the test to see how well they know themselves hehe ;)

1:58 PM  

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