Sunday, February 05, 2006

Forgive me Father....

Ok so I was at mass today.
There was this guy there.
His name is Mark.
How do I know his name?
I used to have a crush on him when I was in grade 9.
He was in his OAC year.
(yes eons ago!)
He was a scawny lil fellow back then.
Duno why I had a crush on him, maybe cause he was cute, older and shy I guess.

Well........ boy did he ever grow into his skin!
Ahem, dang is he ever so fine now!
Opps sorry I didnt mean it that way...
Ok yes I did.
No no I dont have a silly lil school girl crush on him now.
Heck I dont even know him.
I'm older, more mature, I know what kind of guy I want.
But hey, I can still look cant I?
Nice eye candi...
Ok fine I know what you are thinking....You are in church for heavens sake! you are not supposed to be checking out the guys! did you even pay attention to the homily??!
-> Yes I was in church, I was just admiring one of God's creations, and yes - something to do with being fishers of men.... hehe.

Ok despite how bad that sounds, yes for the most part I was paying attention to the mass. Though I have seen this Mark guy there before. I wonder what he is up to now, what did he do with his life? Now I can totally be off on this one but it seems to me that he knows he is a hottie. Sometimes you can tell those type. Its almost as if they are posing. Yes posing. Why do I say that? Well, its this look he has - you know - looking over your head but aware you are there, not having to look at anyone in the eye because he knows all eyes are on him. Also.... near the end of mass he takes his coat off. And of course he has a nice snug moss green T shirt on to show off his chizeled biceps! Wowzers!!! Ahem, where was I? Oh here I am a few pews back in my turtleneck and winter coat on.... hummm temperature seems fine to me and everyone else in the church too, it was colder today than most of the winter so far- maybe he is going through menopause? Or maybe my eyes are burning right through his jacket telling him to take it off ?! ok ok, well neither... but sometimes it just seems as if some guys who are really good looking are just so aware of how blessed they are to be candie to every female eye in sight that they ......... pose. Ya pose! You know - those type that work out at the gym not really for health reasons but more for their own vanity, meanwhile when it comes to actually using their muscles for physical work or defending their gf in times of distress -they are lost. "Muscles only for show" is what I say.
... I'm sure I could totally be wrong on this - about Mark anyways, I'm sure he is a nice person. But it was something I was thinking of today, in general.
I think this holds true for the opposite sex too. I'm sure some guys can tell those gals that are good looking who are also pretty vain and walk around looking over your head or through you and they know you are looking at them so they dont need to acknowlege anyone else around them. You can literally see them .... posing! That little something in their actions that dont seem...... natural.

Well thoughts like this at least affirm to me that I do know more about what kind of guy I am looking for and I have matured beyond the lil school girl infatuations. And now that I am aware of these things, observing them is quite comical. Well, least it made mass quite interesting today ....

(Yes and now I'm just sitting here waiting to be struck by lightning anytime now ........ hehe)


Blogger M+ said...

"fishers of men", huh?
I don't think Jesus had the same thing in mind as you seem to when he said it.
I believe I recommended against finding a "date" at church once before in your comments. It just gets too messy if one of you is more, or less, committed to the faith than the other. I know this from experience.
But there's nothing wrong with looking. So, go ahead and enjoy the scenery.

12:35 AM  
Blogger ~Moi~ said...

Yes Yes I know what He meant by fishers of men - I thought it was kinda funny though that that can be taken that way too. No I dont usually scope out the congregation anyhow hehe - most are seniors. Its just something I noted today when I noticed him, but thanks for the advice :)

12:38 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


I soo need to go to mass more!!!!

Although, I'm trying to figure out who this guy is....hmmmmmmm

1:08 AM  

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