Monday, December 18, 2006

if and how

If you know a person is "good" for you because he is "good to you" and you have so much in common and if you know it always takes a while for you to warm up to certain guys - do you hang on to them when you arent as attracted to them ? Yes - this is after 5 dates already......

And if the answer is yes.....
How do you tell them this, in such a way you dont want them to jump 2 pages ahead of you and suffocate you, being too serious and also maybe get the wrong impression of your intentions? What do you say?


Blogger M+ said...

Just keep saying "yes" when he asks you out.

5:18 PM  
Blogger SPK said...

This exact thing happened to me once. I fell head-over-heels in love with a girl and she "had fun" with me.

She tried to break up with me because "it just didn't feel right" and I didn't have the same spark her other boyfriends did.

Note that the other boyfriends were ex-boyfriends now.

She realized that too and came to fall deeply in love with me.

Fast forward 7 years: 2 baby girls, a house, business, and tons of love.

Moral of the story: sometimes we compare our previous experiences with our current one. but our previous experiences led us to a dead end.

Something to think about.

8:08 PM  
Blogger ~Moi~ said...

Thanks SPK - that was a good comment - definately been thinking about that ! and will continue to think about it! - gosh i want to ask you more questions! like - if you think that she needed to do that anyhow - get it out of her system before she was prepared for something more serious with you? Well, she is definately lucky you stuck around !

9:44 AM  

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