Tuesday, February 21, 2006

Please say it isnt so!

In todays Metro (another T.O newspaper) I stumbled across an article that confirmed what my gfs and I had long been suspecting.
It is confirmed! :(
The higher the IQ or profession of a woman, the less likely she is to find a...what? - date, mate, what-have-you.

(I swear! I should have stopped in elementary school!)

got this from here

It uses the example shown on one episode of Sex And The City. This is when Mirianda, the show's lawyer, has more luck finding a date when she hides this fact and tells men she is a stewardess. They go on to explain that men with higher IQs had a higher chance of marrying while women are the opposite. They explained that men tend to marry women in subordinate jobs because they are afraid that the women in higher jobs will cheat on them! One sucessful woman (who makes $350,000/yr - whew! arent I glad I dont even make close to that!:P) said that "men being intimidated by successful women is an epidemic in T.O".


I hear it now "Oh thanks for depessing me"
Well its not me that is saying this, they even have back up... ya research! Supported by some university findings in Aberdeen, Bristol, Edinburgh, Glasgow, Michigan, New York, and even here in T.O!

Something to do with the 'esteem' of men, and the idea of the men being 'protectors'.

My take on it? Other than the fact its damn shitty......
Well I see it, however there is a catch.
Ever since women's lib, women have been becoming more sucessful and shall I say, less dependant on men? However men... noticing this are (as in my past post) are becoming more .... 'feminine'.... and also some even opting for the idea that they rather not work and its ok for them to stay home, be lazy blah blah blah (not all of course but they are out there and growing!)
So what are we left with here?
Lets go to the Black board . Yes, things just dont add up!

Now mind you, despite the categorization in the terms on the black board....I dont even think that they neccessarily define women who are "sucessful" as being those that earn as much as the wealthy lady mentioned earlier. I think it just means those gals that are earning just enough - to be independently content.

So I ask: why did I even go to school? Why did I even spend that money, busting my ass through University? Those all-nighters! Those days of wearing the same clothes for 4 yrs cause I cant afford to buy any new clothes due to the tuition? Those years of just being a number. The lab where I had to kill that poor bunny and they insisted it was bread for experiments? Those times I said - no, I gotta focus on school first?

I think for the majority, but mostly myself, no matter how independant a gal is, in the end, she still wants to be 'taken care of' that sense of someone 'protecting you' 'providing for you' - Lets face it, we can be proud in what we achieved but its tiring doing it all yourself.

Well thats about all I need to dwell on right now.
My brain hurts! Thank goodness I think I'm kinda avarage anyhow. And thank goodness there is some hope for my regressing memory as I age - maybe as long as my IQ degrades I will have more chances in the future! And the fact that maybe my part time private clinic may close as well - heck that gives me even more chances of nabbing me a sucessful man! And when it comes time that I end up unable to even spell...... whoo hooo!

Tehn Myabe taht Scucsesufl man wulod be jsut auornd the crneor and cmoe srtiahgt to my door!!!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

OMG I had blocked that poor bunny in the back of my head :(..and that poor frog we needed to pith...I swear at night sometimes I can still hear the screams !!!!

Grr...so much for being an independent woman..I swear we should have spent more time skipping classes and partying instead of studying !!!!

When will this insanity end....I wonder how hard it would be to dummy it up...."ohhh, really I've never heard of a one eyed snake"


8:07 PM  
Blogger M+ said...

I know the feeling. I mean the whole, protector/provider thing. It's not that I would feel threatened by a woman who makes more money, is smarter, or is more successful, than me. But there would be a sense of having let her down by not being better.
I think it's a part of what men are. I think it's how we're created. Deep down inside, we know the role we ought to play in our families and relationships. And to not be that we feel inadequate. No matter how much success we have on our own. Even if we measure that success in more abstract ways than wealth, intellect or power. We know we ought to be the provider/protector. And when we're not, it just feels wrong to us.

10:24 PM  
Blogger ~Moi~ said...

r - I totally forgot about what 'pith'was that is how much I blocked it out! :p

M - think you're right. no matter how independant women get or how much everything is becoming 'equal' we still feel innate 'roles' to play and expect from the other.

Mr.Underhill- hey easy with the 'you're 30' comments! Dont throw those around lightly hehe. And as for idiots who have kids - though i see what you mean BUT sometimes that doesnt have to do with education - there are some 'smart successful' parents out there that ignore their kids or dont even love them ...

11:13 PM  

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